As a Spartan, your most essential right as a student is the right to learn. Your most essential responsibility is to allow others to learn. The Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) document outlines your rights and duties as an MSU student. At Michigan State University, we all... 

Have the right to:

  • Learn free from undue interference
  • Live and sleep in a safe and clean environment
  • Redress grievances when our rights are violated

Have a responsibility to: 

  • Allow others to exercise the same rights that you have 
  • Live and abide by MSU's community standards 
  • Make things right when you do wrong 
  • Check our email daily

View the Student Rights and Responsibilities (effective 8.1.2024) document. 

The Student Rights and Responsibilities provides the framework for student rights and responsibilities at Michigan State University, including student conduct, academic pursuits, keeping of records, and publications. It describes procedures for formulating regulations governing student conduct and for providing due process in the adjudication of student disciplinary cases. The document also defines channels and procedures for student complaints.