Circle Keeper Training – 1, 2 or 3 Full days*

This training will introduce participants to the peacemaking circle process and explore:

  • foundational values and philosophy of peacemaking circles
  • creating safe, respectful space for dialog
  • consensus decision making
  • structure of the circle process
  • facilitation of the circle process
  • multiple applications of circle process in schools
  • relationship to school climate, social-emotional learning skills
  • the use of circles for conflict resolution
  • problems and challenges in circles

This training will explore the values and philosophy that provide the foundation of the peacemaking circle process, acknowledging its indigenous origins. It will also analyze the structure of the peacemaking circle process and describe a variety of types of circles. The training will provide examples of multiple uses of the process in schools. Participants will learn to design and conduct peacemaking circles for community building and conflict resolution. Both philosophy and practice will be addressed. The training will be conducted in the peacemaking circle format and will be highly interactive, using the life experience of all the participants as a teaching resource. Special attention will be given to the role of the facilitator and the key skills of circle facilitation.

*NOTE: The 1-day program really isn’t a training per se, but rather an introduction/orientation. As immersion in experiential learning is critical to actually “train” circle keepers, we strongly recommend the 2 or 3 day program.