What is a Medical Leave?
A Medical Leave is a complete withdrawal from enrollment in a term as a result of a medical condition causing a catastrophic impact on a student’s ability to remain enrolled. It is also referred to as a Medical Withdrawal.
How and When are Requests Reviewed?
- Requests for Medical Leave are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year.
- Requests for Return from Medical Leave are reviewed 4 times per year.
- If a request for Medical Leave results in "supported with readiness to return required", the student will need to request a Return from Medical Leave and receive a "supported" outcome before being able to re-enroll at MSU.
- Return from Medical Leave review deadlines:
- March 1 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Summer term)
- May 15 (for student who intend to re-enroll for Fall term - early review)
- July 15 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Fall term - standard review)
- November 1 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Spring term)
- If you would like to meet to discuss the Medical Leave and Return Process, you can schedule a meeting at: Brandon's Bookings
Start Here
Process Summary
Download and read the entire summary before making a request in the Medical Leave and Return Process (a Microsoft Word document will download):
Click to view the full Medical Leave and Return Process Summary
Request Type
Depending on whether you are applying for a Medical Leave or requesting to Return from a Medical Leave, you will need to complete the applicable Treatment Provider Form associated with your request.
Medical Leave:
To request a Medical Leave for the current term or a previously completed term, please follow these steps:
- Complete Part 1 of the Treatment Provider Assessment. Contact your licensed medical treatment provider to complete Part 2.
- Complete the Student Request Form and upload the completed and signed Treatment Provider Form.
- OSSA will confirm receipt of your request and provide guidance regarding next steps.
Return from Medical Leave:
To request to Return from Medical Leave, please follow these steps:
- Complete Part 1 of the Assessment and Recommendation for Return from Medical Leave Form. Contact your licensed medical treatment provider to complete Part 2.
- Complete the Student Request Form and upload the completed and signed Assessment and Recommendation for Return Form.
- OSSA will confirm receipt of your request and provide guidance regarding next steps.
Refund Policy
All withdrawals from the University are subject to the Refund Policy: Refund of Course Fees and Tuition
- If you have questions about your last date of attendance and how that affects the refund amount you may be eligible for, please contact the Office of Student Support & Accountability prior to initiating a request for Medical Leave.
- For most requests for medical leave (medical withdrawal) that are supported, students receive a $500.00 lump-sum tuition refund for the term withdrawn.
- If you receive financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine how taking a Medical Leave would impact your aid before initiating your request for leave.