What is the Medical Leave and Return Process?
Spartans thrive when they are able to attend to their health and wellness goals during their academic journey. We understand that in some cases taking the time to address a Spartan's health and wellness may require time away. The Medical Leave and Return Process (MLRP) is an exceptional remedy to assist students experiencing impacts from a personal health condition that impact their ability to maintain enrollment to address their needs and find support to continue with their academic goals.
What is a medical leave?
A student medical leave is a university-verified designation indicating a personal health condition had a catastrophic impact on a student's ability to remain enrolled. A medical leave requires students be or previously have been under the care of a licensed treatment provider who is willing and able to attest to the student's health condition, its impact on the student, and the impact on their ability to maintain course enrollment during the requested term. The health condition can be related to physical health, mental health, or a combination of concerns.
Who is eligible for a medical leave?
The MLRP is available to most MSU students, expect those in the College of Human Medicine, College of Law, and Osteopathic Medicine. Students in these colleges may seek leave information directly from their college's student affairs office. The MLRP is available to most MSU students, except those in the College of Human Medicine, College of Law, and College of Osteopathic Medicine.
What wouldn't be considered a medical leave?
The OSSA medical leave process is not intended for students who plan to take time away from MSU in the future and do not need to address their grades or enrollment from current or previous semesters. Students who are planning to take time away from MSU in the future should inform their academic advisor or advising/student affairs office in their college. The OSSA medical leave process also does not apply to students seeking support for pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy-related, or parenting needs. Students can contact the Office of Civil Rights to request supportive measures or modifications related to these needs.
Starting the Process
A student medical leave involves withdrawing, also known as dropping all courses in a term. Taking a medical leave is a big decision that can affect finances, on-campus housing, immigration status and more.
Students are expected to review the Medical Leave and Return Process Summary in full before initiating the process.
- Requests for Medical Leave are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year.
- Requests for Return from Medical Leave are reviewed 4 times per year.
- If a request for Medical Leave results in "supported with readiness to return required", the student will need to request a Return from Medical Leave and receive a "supported" outcome before being able to re-enroll at MSU.
- Return from Medical Leave review deadlines:
- March 1 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Summer term)
- May 15 (for student who intend to re-enroll for Fall term - early review)
- July 15 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Fall term - standard review)
- November 1 (for students who intend to re-enroll for Spring term)
- If you would like to meet to discuss the Medical Leave and Return Process, you can schedule a meeting at: Brandon's Bookings
Request Type
Medical Leave:
To request a Medical Leave for the current term or a previously completed term, please follow these steps:
- Complete Part 1 of the Treatment Provider Assessment. Contact your licensed medical treatment provider to complete Part 2.
- Complete the Student Request Form and upload the completed and signed Treatment Provider Form.
- OSSA will confirm receipt of your request and provide guidance regarding next steps.
Returning from Medical Leave:
To request to Return from Medical Leave, please follow these steps:
- Complete Part 1 of the Readiness to Return Assessment. Contact your licensed medical treatment provider to complete Part 2.
- Complete the Student Request Form and upload the completed and signed Assessment and Recommendation for Return Form.
- OSSA will confirm receipt of your request and provide guidance regarding next steps.
Refund Policy
All withdrawals from the University are subject to the Refund Policy: Refund of Course Fees and Tuition
- If you have questions about your last date of attendance and how that affects the refund amount you may be eligible for, please contact the Office of the Registrar prior to initiating a request for Medical Leave.
- For most requests for medical leave (medical withdrawal) that are supported, students receive a $500.00 lump-sum tuition refund for the term withdrawn.
- If you receive financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine how taking a Medical Leave would impact your aid before initiating your request for leave.