Our Purpose Statement

The Office of Student Support and Accountability (OSSA) centers equity, integrity, and learning in processes that emphasize the importance of working with students and the community. Our work includes student and organizational conduct, academic integrity, care and intervention, conflict resolution, medical amnesty, and medical leave and return.

Our Values

We work to ensure equity for individuals within our systems, processes, and communities.
We hold integrity at the center of our work with students, campus partners, and ourselves.
We engage individuals and groups in processes that enhance learning and development for students and the campus community.

1Equity recognizes the unique identities and experiences of individuals and employs resources and opportunities to meet the needs of both individuals and communities.
2Integrity is a commitment to honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. 
3Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning.